Anders Beatty and Ben Taub from Ibogaine Counselling Services will be speaking at a live event all about psychedelic treatment for addiction in London on December 13th. Hosted by The Psychedelic Society, this unique talk will tell you everything you need to know about treating addiction ibogaine and other psychedelics. Click either of thes link below for more info:
Using Psychedelics To Treat Addiction
This event will explore the potential of psychedelics to help bring about recovery from addiction. Led by Anders Beatty and Ben Taub – the founders of Ibogaine Counselling Services and – the discussion will focus on the ways in which visionary compounds can be used to generate meaningful rites of passage that facilitate a lasting recovery.
We will look at the pros and cons of the current psychedelic treatment options available to people suffering from addiction, and shed light on the necessary components of a successful treatment. In particular, we will explore the nature of addiction as a spiritual condition arising from the disconnection and inauthenticity that is particular to modern life. As such, spiritual knowledge and practise are fundamental to the future success of psychedelic treatments for addiction.
However, the indigenous spiritual traditions that have developed around plant medicines are not always culturally relevant to Westerners, and may not carry the emotional salience necessary to inspire healing. With the help of Bwitist and plant medicine expert Ben Taylor, we will examine the practises that can and should be introduced by those working with psychedelics to heal the spiritual deficiencies inherent in addiction.
If money is a barrier preventing you from attending this event please contact to request a bursary place.